
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Connacht Indoors 12-19

Connaught Indoors is scheduled for a two day event;


Sat 1st and Sun 2nd March in Athlone

Competitions dates for Connacht and National(Outdoor)

The Connaught events this year are in Sligo with the nationals in Tullamore as follows:  



7th June -   Connaught Championships.- Under 9-12

14th June - Connaught Championships -Under 13 to 19

21st June -  National Games - under 9- 12

5th July -     National Relays

12th/ 13th July -National - under 12- 19

26/th27th July - National - Under 12-19

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Club committee for 2014

Chairperson : Tom Guckian
Secretary: Noel Scally
Treasurers; Jackie Valentine
Co Treasurer: Damien Regan
Child Officer:  Margaret Mc Kenna
Competition Secretary:: Tom Guckian
Leader Co-ordinator: Rhona Feely
Registration Officer: Jackie Valentine

Wednesday night registration 16th January

For current members only (2013). At 6.30 to 7.30 in the complex. If we have spaces for more we will have further recruitment for new members.