The club appeals to all parents and committee members and Leaders to attend
The AGM will be on:
Tuesday 10th December at 8.00pm. in
The Annexe, in the Sports Complex, Boyle .
(where Athletics training is held ).
For many parents this will be the first AGM of the
club that they will be attending. This annual meeting is the only opportunity
parents have to discuss the running of the club and to make decisions that will
affect their own children over the next athletic year.
- The club need parent’s input and support.
- It is vital for the survival of the Club to have an active and robust Committee.
- Several of our active committee members have moved away from the area in recent months so new blood is needed for ideas and help,
- All help, however little, would be very much appreciated.
- With 120 members +, the running of the club is carried out by too few people, so we need to share the load with some new members.
Please attend or send one of the adult family members to
this Annual General Meeting so North Roscommon can flourish into the future. We
have so much interest, talent and enthusiasm from the children. By not attending,
our Club will not flourish or may even cease to exist. We don’t want that!!
Majella Dodd